OGJ Daily Update
Timely news and analysis on rapidly changing industry conditions and events; upstream, midstream, and downstream. (
Exploration, Drilling & Production Report
Global updates on exploration, production starts, field development, rig activity, and key technology developments. Coverage includes US and international conventional and unconventional plays, wells, offshore activity, and deals for both dry and liquid-rich plays. (Second & Fourth Tuesday)
Transportation Report
Detailed news and information about oil and gas pipeline operations, construction, and regulation, LNG, and waterborne transport. (
Last Wednesday of the Month)
Processing Report
Key developments affecting the global refining and petrochemical industries, including construction and expansion projects, planned and unplanned maintenance, evolution in processing technologies, regulatory matters, and analyses of supply-demand dynamics. (
Third Wednesday)
Energy Transition Update
The energy transition intersects with the oil and gas industry at many points, from biofuels and carbon capture and sequestration to hydrogen and alternative ways of powering operations. This newsletter highlights the biggest developments in these areas. (
First & Third Thursday)
Market Moves Energy (Monthly on Saturdays)
Delivering insight and perspective on the impact of innovation at the intersection of energy technology, sustainability, and finance.
Market Moves Cybersecurity (Biweekly on Wednesdays)
Delivering insights and expert perspectives focused on the convergence of risk and resilience for secure network operations and business continuity among enterprise organizations in a broad array of sectors including commercial, corporate, industrial, manufacturing, transportation, public safety, healthcare, schools, and critical infrastructure.
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