The latest top breaking news, headlines and law enforcement features. (Daily)
OFFICER Newsletter
Bringing you the most contemporary and applicable information available; information you need to perform your duties, whether that's on the street or in a different setting. (Monthly)
OFFICER Product Newsletter
Delivering timely information about the latest products developed to support you doing your job - and make sure you go home afterward! (Monthly)
OFFICER Stations
Covers the latest trends and concepts in the design of police stations and public safety facilities, including showcases of recent projects and education for departments that are embarking on new station projects and renovations. (Monthly)
Officer Down
Email alert notification of officers down in the line of duty as they happen.
Command Staff Briefing
Covering updates and developments in law enforcement operations so that you can continually update your own operation knowledge and practices. (Monthly)
Tactical & SpecOps Updates
The latest updates on events, tactics, protocols and developing policies that may impact operations or provide intelligence. (Monthly)
Technology Today
Providing the latest technological innovations in law enforcement. (Monthly) Product Showcase
A monthly summary of the hottest law enforcement products. (Monthly)
OFFICER: Training Tips
The Training Tips eNL is populated with video, podcasts and articles from veteran law enforcement trainers that will help you do your job better. (Monthly, starting in January 2025)
Market Moves Cybersecurity (Biweekly on Wednesdays)
Delivering insights and expert perspectives focused on the convergence of risk and resilience for secure network operations and business continuity among enterprise organizations in a broad array of sectors including commercial, corporate, industrial, manufacturing, transportation, public safety, healthcare, schools, and critical infrastructure.